Friday, September 7, 2007

Luke 5: 33-39 (Friday, September 7, 2007)

“We have always done it like this,” is a common assertion we use daily to resist change. The Pharisees in the gospel of today cannot understand why Jesus’ disciples aren’t fasting. They fast at least twice a week and pray daily, yet, Jesus’ disciples are eating and drinking as if Religion means nothing to them. Jesus’ understanding of religion is different and he is bringing about a change. Religion is no longer playing by external rules but it is a relationship with God. He however does not underestimate the reality of the Cross, the Cross his disciples would also carry daily after his departure. Jesus Christ was a man that brought so much change to religion and in today’s gospel, he insists through his parable that we must be open to change; we must be open to new ideas. It is very easy for us as a church to get stuck in the past. That is the reason after more than thirty years, many people have not accepted the reforms of Vatican II. We live in the myth of those “good old days.” There weren’t any good old days. Even in our parish levels, we are stuck in the way we worship. For most churches, the style of worship hasn’t changed since 1970. The music at liturgy has remained the same, boring our young people to death. The so called “contemporary music choirs,” still do songs they did in the 70’s.

If you believe that the Holy Spirit is still alive and active in the Church, you must be open to change. Our resistance to change is closing the door on the Holy Spirit. None of us has the monopoly of the Holy Spirit to confine him to our comfort zones, our familiar. He blows wherever he wills. Our openness to change will allow the Holy Spirit to blow fresh air into our church. It is this spirit that will make our church a truly faith-filled community; and it is this spirit that will make us truly Christ’s people here on earth. Next time someone is suggesting change, ask the Holy Spirit to help you give good responses before you respond, “we have always done it like this.”

Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful, and inspire in them the spirit of love. Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the world.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Luke 5: 1-11 (Thursday, September 6, 2007)

Peter was a skilled fisherman. He knew that it wasn’t just a good night for them. They did the best they could, but they caught nothing. Jesus approaches them and makes a request that they put in their nets into the deep water. Peter knew Jesus as a teacher and not as a fisherman, but he trusted and threw in his net into the water. They caught an enormous amount of fish. Trust is very important. When Jesus invites us to do something, do we trust him enough? Given our everyday difficulties, some times we want to give up. Please don’t give up. Jesus is inviting you to go a little deeper in your faith and he will restore you. If Peter had walked away from him, he wouldn’t have received his promise. Please do not walk away from Jesus. Go a little deeper. Pope John Paul II tells us in his encyclical at the dawn of the new millennium that, the first condition for going deeper in faith is cultivating a deeper prayer life. In the last few days, Jesus has invited us to prayer. If prayer is not a priority in your life, it is time you give it much consideration. This is because, it is the way towards your restoration.

Lord, help us to trust like Peter and lead us deeper in faith, that we may receive and experience the blessings and promises you have given us your children.

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Luke 4: 38-44 (Wednesday, September 5, 2007)

Jesus continues to rebuke demons. In today’s gospel, we are told that after casting out demons, he went to a deserted place to pray. The nature of his ministry is that of combating evil forces. He realizes the power of prayer, if this ministry must continue to be successful. Again and again in the gospels, we will see Jesus leave to a quiet place to pray. The world we live in is that in which we are constantly been plagued by evil forces. If we want to be successful in this battle, we must make out time every day from our busy schedules to pray. It is in prayer that we receive the power that we need to continue to fight the power of evil in the world. When you strive to be the person that God wants you to be, the devil generously works overtime to overcome you. This means, you must also pray overtime in order to be victorious. Find time during the day to pray that God give you victory over Satan. Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, is a very powerful prayer you can use.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. And to you o thou prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits who seek the ruin of souls.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Luke 4: 31-37 (Tuesday, September 4, 2007)

There is a lot of power in the name of Jesus. It is one name that the devil is always scared of. The bible tells us that in the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In the gospel of today, Jesus commands the unclean spirits with authority. It is one important thing we need to keep in mind. Jesus did not negotiate with the unclean spirits. Sometimes we try to negotiate with the devil because of our lack of faith. Jesus Christ however spoke to them with authority. Jesus has extended that same authority to us his followers. The Apostles drove away unclean spirits in the name of Jesus. We too can do same. The problem with Christians today is that because of our lack of faith, we are afraid of the devil and the result is the underestimation of his power. Yet, he attacks us everyday and leads us astray. How many times have you prayed casting away the devil from your home or family? If you haven’t, it is time you pray against him because he does exist and is working over time. Jesus has given you the power to do that, do not be afraid. Go and command unclean spirits with power and authority.

Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon you to drive away all the evil spirits in us and in our family. Take away those spirits that lead us to make wrong choices in our lives; the spirits that lead us astray from your path. We stand on the authority of your word and we believe that our lives would be free of all unclean spirits.

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Luke 4: 16-30 (Monday, September 3, 2007 – Labor Day United States)

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. These words are what we may the mission statement of Jesus. They are his mission plan. This was an important ministry to Jesus and it made him stand in opposition to many, including the political and religious leaders of the time. He lived out these words and gave away his life that we may experience liberation. Jesus invites us Christians to continue this ministry. This challenges us to against injustice in our society. It is not enough that Christians pray against injustice but Christians must work actively to end the reign of injustice, oppression, poverty, captivity, and corruption in our society.

As we celebrate Labor Day, we must as a Christian community apologize to all those who have worked for us that we did not pay them just wages; give them their due benefits or treated them fairly. We cannot fight injustice in the society if we do not first live radically the life of justice in our Christian community. This will mean paying our staff just wages; providing retirement benefits to them if they qualify and give them basic things such as health insurance. Those of you who have employees, you must treat them in that way too.

Lord, help us to be people of justice. We apologize to all those living or dead whom we have treated unfairly in the past. We apologize most especially to our employees living or dead whom we took advantage of and did not pay them just wages or provided benefits that would have significantly improved their lives. We are sorry lord. Help us to do better.

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