Friday, September 7, 2007

Luke 5: 33-39 (Friday, September 7, 2007)

“We have always done it like this,” is a common assertion we use daily to resist change. The Pharisees in the gospel of today cannot understand why Jesus’ disciples aren’t fasting. They fast at least twice a week and pray daily, yet, Jesus’ disciples are eating and drinking as if Religion means nothing to them. Jesus’ understanding of religion is different and he is bringing about a change. Religion is no longer playing by external rules but it is a relationship with God. He however does not underestimate the reality of the Cross, the Cross his disciples would also carry daily after his departure. Jesus Christ was a man that brought so much change to religion and in today’s gospel, he insists through his parable that we must be open to change; we must be open to new ideas. It is very easy for us as a church to get stuck in the past. That is the reason after more than thirty years, many people have not accepted the reforms of Vatican II. We live in the myth of those “good old days.” There weren’t any good old days. Even in our parish levels, we are stuck in the way we worship. For most churches, the style of worship hasn’t changed since 1970. The music at liturgy has remained the same, boring our young people to death. The so called “contemporary music choirs,” still do songs they did in the 70’s.

If you believe that the Holy Spirit is still alive and active in the Church, you must be open to change. Our resistance to change is closing the door on the Holy Spirit. None of us has the monopoly of the Holy Spirit to confine him to our comfort zones, our familiar. He blows wherever he wills. Our openness to change will allow the Holy Spirit to blow fresh air into our church. It is this spirit that will make our church a truly faith-filled community; and it is this spirit that will make us truly Christ’s people here on earth. Next time someone is suggesting change, ask the Holy Spirit to help you give good responses before you respond, “we have always done it like this.”

Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful, and inspire in them the spirit of love. Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the world.

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