Sunday April 20, 2008: Acts 6:1-7; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12
In the gospel of John, Jesus Christ uses different imageries to describe himself. Last week, Jesus Christ told us in the gospel that he is the “Good shepherd” and also, that he is the “door.” In today’s gospel, he says to us, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” This revelation of Jesus to the people is important, given their pitiful situation. This revelation, assures a suffering people that they are making a right choice following him. At the very beginning of the gospel, he tells them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, you have faith in God; have faith also in me.” These words speak to the circumstances of many people in this country today. I don’t know about you, but when I look at all that is happening, my heart is troubled. My heart is troubled because I am afraid of the economy; my heart is troubled because I am not sure if before the beginning of the summer, we will be paying $5 a gallon at the pump; my heart is troubled because people I know are losing their jobs or benefits; my heart feels troubled because our soldiers are dying every day in Iraq and we haven’t got a solution yet to the problems in Iraq and most of the middle East; my heart is troubled because the cost of health care is going up and many people cannot afford health insurance and are dying in silence. There are many things to be worried about.
The words of Jesus in the gospel, are words that bring me peace of heart. These words calm my fears. It is the same words I want to share with you today, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” When we encounter fears in our lives, there are two things we can do: we either hope or despair. There is a voice always saying to us, “things cannot be better, they can only get worst.” This voice leads us to be so worried. We worry so much that the things we could have even done properly, we do them improperly. This voice tells you that Jesus cannot help you in your situation. You begin to ask, what is the essence of prayer? This voice is not from God. This is the voice of despair. There is also another voice, the voice we heard in the gospel of today, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” This is the voice you need to listen to. It is the voice of hope; it is the voice of faith. Faith is what sees you through, during your times of tribulations. We listen to this voice because we can always count on God to be there for us. As St. Augustine tells us, “God is not a deceiver, that he should offer to support us, and then, when we lean upon Him, should slip away from us.” He always keeps to his promises and his promises are always of good and not of evil. Today’s gospel invites us to come and lean on Jesus with our troubled hearts. Why should we lean on him? Jesus tells us the reason in the gospel. He is “the way, the truth and the life.”
Jesus Christ is not just the one that shows us the way, he is himself “the way.” I know we men don’t like asking for directions. I must confess that I do not like asking for directions. The reason is because most times I do not trust the directions I will receive. My GPS even does not help either. Two weeks ago, I was celebrating Masses in Bluefield and Princeton, West Virginia. My navigation system was able to find the Church in Princeton on Saturday. On Sunday morning, it could neither found the church nor the street in which the church is located in Bluefield, West Virginia. It took two people giving me directions to get me to the church. I felt frustrated looking for the church that morning because I was running late. Supposing someone came to me at the time of the frustration and said to me, “you are looking for the way to the church? Don’t worry, I am that way. I will bring you right into the church.” I cannot imagine how peaceful I would have felt that morning. That is the offer Jesus Christ is giving us today. He is saying to you this morning, “ I am the way to your salvation; I am the way to your financial breakthrough in life; I am the way to your professional success; I am the way to peace in your family; I am the way to your academic success; I am the way to happiness in your life.” Don’t be afraid that he will not have resources for you. His resources are limitless. There are many mansions in his Father’s house, so there is enough for everyone.
We have a fundamental human craving for the truth. We desire to know the truth and sometimes we are afraid of hearing the truth. Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth” The Truth was standing right in front of him and he will not acknowledge it. Many of the problems we face are as a result of someone failing in his or her own duty of truthfulness. Jesus Christ was crucified for being the Truth and it will take many more crucifixions for many of our problems to be solved. We are afraid of being persecuted for the Truth, and thus we work harder to be politically correct, than being what we stand for. I see the Church being crucified every day in the media for what she teaches and we as the people of God must embody the identity of our teacher – the Truth. We need to know the Truth in order to be able to walk in the way of the Lord. The Truth is Jesus Christ. We are not speaking of an intellectual knowledge of Jesus, but a total acceptance of Him as your redeemer and savior. When you do this, you will begin to see him more present in your life and you will be able to cast freely your burdens into his care.
Jesus Christ offered his life on the Cross of Calvary for us that we might not perish but have life. This is the greatest love one can show to his friend. Yet, St. Paul tells us that when he did this for us, we were still sinners. This is the most compelling reason why our hearts should not be troubled. It is always said that, “a friend in need is a friend indeed.” Jesus Christ has shown us that he is truly a friend. When we were in need of salvation, Christ offered his life for us, how much more the challenges of our earthly life? We can always trust that he will be there for us. All that is required of us is that faith in him. We need to let go and let him do his job. He is God and we are not.
I leave you with these words for the week, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”
Labels: Calvary, Cross, hope, Jesus, life, peace, truth, Way