Friday, August 3, 2007

Matthew 13: 54-58 (Friday, August 3, 2007)

It is a common saying in society that “familiarity breeds content.” Jesus is in his home town. The people know him – they know his father Joseph and his mother, Mary. Their human knowledge of Jesus prevented them from believing in him. Their questioning did not lead them to believe in him, but it only led them to doubt his powers. Their failed to see Jesus with the spiritual eyes, but they only saw him with the human eyes. With the human eyes, he was just like every one of them, but his followers who saw him with the spiritual eyes knew that he was more than the son of Joseph and Mary, but he is truly the Son of God. Their failure to tune themselves into the spiritual realm, so that they will see beyond the human made them fail to believe. And the gospel tells us that for lack of faith, Jesus did not work many miracles there.

How can we tune ourselves into the spiritual realm to see Jesus as he truly is? It is through a prayerful study of the scriptures. Without this, it is difficult to believe in him to the extent that you can begin to experience his mighty miracles in your life.


Lord Jesus Christ, reveal yourself to us in the scriptures that we might see you as truly the Son of God. Strengthen our faith so that we will be confident enough to lay all our burdens on you trusting that you will take care of them. When we get bored studying your scriptures, excite us so that we will be steadfast in the prayerful study of your Word. We believe that your Word will transform us and bring many mighty miracles to our lives.

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Matthew 13: 47-53 (Thursday, August 2, 2007)

In today’s gospel, Jesus gives us a glimpse into what will happen at the end of time. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous. We live in a world in which hell is never talked about – it sounds too mean to be taught to children, we deceive ourselves. Our children grow up without knowing the consequences of living an evil life. God is all loving and all rewarding, young people think. We delude ourselves of two eternal options: heaven or nothing. It is either every one goes to heaven or nothing happens at death. The scriptures is unambiguous that there is going to be a day of reckoning, when God will separate the good from the bad; the righteous from the unrighteous. God will not only reward the righteous for a life well lived, but he will also reward the unrighteous. While the righteous will go to heaven where they shall know no pain or sorrow, the unrighteous would be thrown into an everlasting furnace of fire where they shall burn. This is the truth of the scriptures we must take seriously to heart as we continue to live our daily lives. It is not the wish of God that we go to hell fire, but if we make hell our option by not living a righteous life, God shall certainly grant us that desire.

Lord Jesus Christ, your plan for us is that we may live a life with you in eternity. In this world, Satan lures us with many offers that constantly lead us to a life of unrighteousness. We acknowledge you as the righteous one. Share your righteousness with us today so that we may continue to make righteous decisions that lead us to you rather than foolish decisions that make us stray from your path. Give us the graces we need to live a righteous life, so that at the end, we will be receive into your eternal kingdom where we truly belong.

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Matthew 13: 44-46 (Wednesday, August 1, 2007)

The kingdom of God is like a treasure; a great treasure; more precious than silver and gold. There is nothing in value compared with the kingdom of God. Your job, your home, your car and any possession you have is not more valuable than the kingdom of God. If these things are on the way of your realization of the kingdom of God, you need to cut them off. Jesus tells us in the scriptures, what shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lost your soul.

In a week, we spend about 40 hours to work, yet, we grudgingly work only an hour for the kingdom of God. God wants us to spend more time working for the kingdom. One hour on Sunday for Mass, at least twenty minutes daily for prayers, another hour daily for our greatest Christian obligation of Love. It is when we begin to do these things that we are beginning to acquire this great treasure that is worth selling every other thing.

Lord, many times we fail to possess your kingdom because we are busy acquiring the treasures of this world. Give us the knowledge to know that your kingdom is more precious than every other thing and the strength to work for your kingdom.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Matthew 13: 36-43 (Tuesday, July 30, 2007

Jesus Christ tells us in the gospel of today that the righteous will shine like sun in the kingdom of their Father. Living a radical life of the kingdom in the world may pose a lot of challenges: rejection and persecution. Sometimes it is easier for us to take the easy route by not living out the righteous life of the kingdom. While the righteous life may not afford us all the earthly perishable glories and prosperity, there is a reward for us in heaven. While will we want to be kings in the land of exile? Why would we want the glories of exile? Our kingdom is not in this earth, the kingdom of our Father, in which we are all heirs, is in heaven and that is where will shine like the sun.

As we go out today, let us try to keep the heavenly reward as a focus in everything we do. Let us think less of the passing rewards and pleasures of this world.

Lord Jesus Christ, keep our eyes focused on you and the kingdom of God you have promised us. When we face challenges in the world that would make us not follow the path of your kingdom closely, send you Holy Spirit upon us to inspire us and redirect us the right path.

Matthew 13: 31-35 (Monday, July 30, 2007)

In the parable of today, Jesus likens the kingdom of God to a mustard seed which is the smallest seed, yet when it grows, it is a big tree. We know that the mustard seed was not the smallest seed even at the time. It was a common proverbial expression at the time that the mustard seed was the smallest seed. Jesus is not trying to show that the mustard seed is the smallest seed but his interest is on how when this small seed grow, it becomes a big tree. Yesterday at Mass, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and he explicitly prayed that the kingdom of God come. When we always pray for the kingdom of God, when we pray for the reign of God, we sometimes have the tendency to think of a dramatic event in which suddenly God will reign over the whole earth. This is not the intention of Jesus. This kingdom grows gradually like the mustard seed beginning first from our hearts and then gradually extending to others in the world. We are partakers in making this kingdom come upon the earth by the way we live our lives radically in the world. Imagine if the 1 billion Catholics in the world each tried to change some one and bring the kingdom of God to that person! The kingdom of God would soon come upon the earth.

We are invited this week to work to bring about the kingdom of God to the earth. The best way we can do this is to be Christ’s love and presence to the people we encounter this week. Look at them as another Christ and treat them as such. In this way, the kingdom of God would soon reign upon the earth.

Lord God, let your kingdom come upon the earth as it is in heaven. Give us the courage to live radically your kingdom in our hearts and in the world. Use as instruments to bring about this kingdom upon the earth.

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