Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Matthew 13: 36-43 (Tuesday, July 30, 2007

Jesus Christ tells us in the gospel of today that the righteous will shine like sun in the kingdom of their Father. Living a radical life of the kingdom in the world may pose a lot of challenges: rejection and persecution. Sometimes it is easier for us to take the easy route by not living out the righteous life of the kingdom. While the righteous life may not afford us all the earthly perishable glories and prosperity, there is a reward for us in heaven. While will we want to be kings in the land of exile? Why would we want the glories of exile? Our kingdom is not in this earth, the kingdom of our Father, in which we are all heirs, is in heaven and that is where will shine like the sun.

As we go out today, let us try to keep the heavenly reward as a focus in everything we do. Let us think less of the passing rewards and pleasures of this world.

Lord Jesus Christ, keep our eyes focused on you and the kingdom of God you have promised us. When we face challenges in the world that would make us not follow the path of your kingdom closely, send you Holy Spirit upon us to inspire us and redirect us the right path.


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