Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday July 15, 2008: Isaiah 7:1-9; Matthew 11:20-24

Jesus Christ rebukes the people of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for their failure to believe in him. After performing mighty deeds in their midst, they were still lukewarm towards him and failed to believe in him. Sometimes, being lukewarm and indifferent could be worse than persecution. These people allowed Jesus within their midst, yet they were indifferent to the great sign they had among them. Sometimes we Catholics are like these people. How many Catholics are indifferent towards the Eucharist? They come to church on Sundays not because of the great gift of the Eucharist but just to avoid mortal sin. As you speak with Catholics who cannot freely practice their faith, they will tell you how much they crave for the Eucharist. As I have done some missions in rural Africa where they get to have Mass only may be once or twice a month, it is not uncommon to have people walk for about two miles just to have the Eucharist because it is a precious gift to them. Yet, we have the opportunity to have the Eucharist daily and we find it so difficult to do.

Jesus Christ tells us today that he is here in our midst and we must respond to him in faith. Our prayer today is for faith to always celebrate the Eucharist with joy knowing that Christ is among us doing mighty deeds.

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At July 25, 2008 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He made it clear to us that the way of the flesh is completely opposite to the way of the Spirit. We have a choice between the Spirit and the flesh."

I am not sure, but I believe you have introduced a duality common and present among many philosophers and one resolved by Aquinas. Aquinas solution provides ground for the theological belief in the resurrection (our return in "gloried bodies"). In short our reality identifies the oneness of man (flesh and spirit simple name two aspects of his oneness). At any rate I am very glad to see your postings my thoughts and prayers are with. Ben

At July 25, 2008 at 3:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry the post was meant for the above Homily.


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