Matthew 20: 1-16 (Wednesday, August 22, 2007)
It is never too late to become a Christian. We are all familiar with the story of the good thief in the Cross. He repented the last minutes of his life and Jesus said to him, “this day you will be with me in paradise.” Most of us are cradle Catholics. Sometimes we cradle Catholics think we know so much of the faith. For that reason, we do not take it serious. We come to Mass when we want and leave early; we undermine the church’s teachings on moral issues. On the other hand, we have the very zealous converts who have gone through the RCIA process. They are regularly at Mass, they take seriously the church’s teaching on abortion and contraception; they believe in the true presence in the Eucharist; etc. Sometimes the cradle Catholics are even resentful of the converts. Today’s gospel warns us cradle Catholics to be very careful. We might be the last and the converts might be the first. This is because we have failed to treasure the gift of faith that we received at our baptism.
Jesus, help us to treasure the faith of the Church. May we never lose our place in your plan of salvation. Keep us always close to you.
Labels: Abortion, catholic, church, Contraception, Eucharist, Jesus, RCIA