Thursday, March 13, 2008

John 8: 21-30, (Tuesday, March 11, 2008)

How do you overcome all the challenges of the world? How do you navigate this hostile world? How do you relate with difficult people in your life? Jesus Christ faced with a lot of difficulties and challenges knew where he belongs, not of this world, but above. He was able to show that he is beyond the things that try to hold him back in this world. As a Christian people, we do not belong to this world. We belong to something above. If we believe this fact, we would be careful how we respond to things that come our way daily. Our problem sometimes is that we drag ourselves below. When someone who is not a Christian is trying to make trouble with you and make life difficult for you, do you stoop low and engage them, or do you show them through your actions that you belong to something that is greater. Jesus Christ did not engage the people in useless arguments. He knew his identity, he stated it and he lived it. We are told at the end of today’s gospel that, “Be he spoke this way, many came to believe in him.” If we being to live like Jesus rather than engaging in fruitless arguments with non-believers, we will be able to draw many people into the family of Jesus.

How will you respond to attacks today?

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