John 7: 40-53 (Saturday, March 8, 2008)
Some people in the crowd are beginning to understand who Jesus Christ truly is. Some are beginning to think that he is the Christ. They are however still held back by their own human judgments. They are failing to understand that Jesus Christ is greater than all the biological origins they are trying to limit him to. Even as they try to trace this human history of his identity, they still do not understand that he actually falls within this history. Jesus Christ is properly of David’s family as it is evidenced in the genealogy of Jesus as it is found in Matthew 1: 1-25. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1) and because of this, he is humanly speaking, a proper native of the town of Bethlehem. The people’s prejudices and lack of faith would not let them see the Truth that was before them.
This is a caution to us Christians to be careful as to how we make judgments about people. Sometimes we have the tendency to make rash judgments and draw hasty conclusions about people without being open to truly know who they are.
How many times have you drawn conclusions about people just because of the way they look or something they said, that you did not really agree with?
Labels: Bethlehem, Christians, David, Jesus Christ, judgment, truth
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