Friday, March 7, 2008

John 5: 17-30, (Wednesday, March 5, 2008)

Jesus Christ in today’s gospel tells us that we will not be lost if we hear his word and believe in the one who sent him. He describes himself also as the just judge. What does it mean to hear the word of God? When Jesus speaks about hearing the word, he is saying something more than listening as is understood in day to day conversation. For him, hearing and doing go together. You have not really heard the gospel, if you leave Church every day and return to the same old things the gospel has challenged you to change. You begin to hear the word, when you start acting on what the word challenges you to do.

Christianity is not a social club in which it is just enough to show up at meetings and pay your dues. Christianity is a radical relationship with Jesus Christ. This relationship with Jesus grows by hearing the word. Jesus gives us some clues on how we would be judged on the last day. He tells us that we will be judged by how we heard the word. Our failure to hear the word is an act of dishonor to the Father who has showed so much love to us and has sent us his only begotten son.

The question today is, are you hearing the word of God?

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