Thursday, August 9, 2007

Matthew 15: 21-28 (Wednesday, August 8, 2007)

One of the strong themes in both the first reading of today from Numbers and the gospel is thinking positively about yourself. This is really important. Sometimes we get into an attitude of wishing evil things. We speak about our situation or our family’s situation only in negative terms. We in a sense make ourselves victims. Christians should always keep a positive attitude. We need to keep things positive because the event of the cross and the resurrection has brought us liberation. In the first reading, the people of Israel referred to themselves as grasshoppers. The Lord’s response to them was simple, “I will do to you just what I have heard you say.” In the gospel, the Canaanite woman persisted that Jesus can extend the blessings meant for the lost sheep of Israel to her and bring about the healing of her daughter possessed by a demon. Jesus’ response to her was also very simple, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you have wished.” These two reasons give us a god contrast. The people of Israel in the Old Testament reading were negative and they received the negativity they wished for; and the Canaanite woman was positive and she got a positive response.

As Christians, we are encouraged to always trust in the Lord. To know that he is aware of our situation and that he will help us. Let us always pray good things about ourselves and always let other people know how good the Lord has been to us rather than dwelling in the negative.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have liberated us from bondage and given us freedom. Help us to always experience your presence in our lives. When we have the tendency to become negative and fail to realize all you have done for us, always help us to acknowledge your goodness and think positively about our situation.


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