Monday, August 6, 2007

Matthew 14: 1-12 (Saturday, August 4, 2007)

In the gospel of today, we see both the witness of Jesus and John. Herod is thinking that John the Baptist has come back to life because of the radical nature of Jesus’ witness. Herod did not understand that something greater than John the Baptist was present. Herod recalled the witness of John the Baptist whom he had beheaded. John was not afraid to say to Herod, it is unlawful to take the wife of your brother. He knew this bold prophecy was going to bring about some consequences.

We are all called to be like John. Being bold in our witnessing. Christianity was never intended to be a secret religion. It is a religion that is radically prophetic. We need to go out and begin to prophecy to our leaders. Sometimes they act as if there is no God. If you see our leaders enacting policies that are unchristian, you have the responsibility to write to them or give them a call and tell them what they are saying or doing is unlawful. Don’t be passive. You can only bring about the kingdom of God on this earth if you actively participate in the processes that will lead to change in our society.

Lord Jesus Christ, sometimes we are timid and fail to actively bring the gospel to our political leaders who are secular instruments of Change. Give us the boldness we deserve to confront and make our leaders change policies that are unlawful in your eyes. Give us the perseverance to be steadfast in this work of bringing your kingdom on earth, so that at the end, our earth would truly be the way you want it to be.

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