Friday, August 10, 2007

John 12: 24-26 (Friday, August 10, 2007 – Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr)

If there is one principle I have tested over and over many times and can confirm that it works, it is the principle of generosity. Sometimes it works so magical. I will give and that same day I gave, I will receive as much or more than what I gave. This is an important Christian principle. St. Lawrence whose feast we celebrate today lived this principle thoroughly. He took care of the temporal welfare of the Church in Rome and gave his life in service to the poor. His dedicated service earned him the honor of the patron saint of Rome, after the prince of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Some times we justify why we don’t give much. We claim the reason is because we do not have much. It is important that we give generously from the little that we have. If we cannot give from the little that we have, we will even find it difficult to give from our surplus. If we give generously from the little, when we are called to give our lives for the sake of the kingdom, we will be more willing to give them. St. Lawrence generously offered his life for the sake of the kingdom, and he was burnt alive. As the gospel tells us, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces more fruit. The church has always taught that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. His martyrdom strengthened the faith of the Christian community and led many people to believe in Christ.

We too are invited to be every day martyrs. We can die to our bad habits such as smoking, drinking too much, lying, arrogance, pride, injustice, in order that the faith may be strengthened and many people would come to believe that Jesus Christ is truly the Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have called us to be every day martyrs so that others may believe that you are the Lord. We ask you to help us with our addictions. Most especially our addictions to alcohol, drugs and pornography. Give us the courage we need to quit and the graces we need to live sober. May St. Lawrence intercede for us that we will develop a spirit of generosity, so that we will generously give of some of our resources to the poor.

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