Thursday, November 29, 2007

Luke 21: 12-19 (Wednesday, November 28, 2007)

Jesus does not delude his followers that their life would be easy. It would be a challenging life. They will be persecuted because they have chosen to follow him. The evil people would seem to be the ones that are succeeding and they will Lord it over the Christians. When you begin to live a radical Christian life, people are going to think of you as being weird; your family members may even laugh at you. Your persecution may even come from family members who would say nasty things about you, just because you do not want to cooperate with them in cheating and lying. That is the cost of discipleship and Jesus Christ would not let you go unrewarded. All Christians need to do is endure and persevere. If they endure and persevere, they would be victorious. The Cross is Christian victory. Why would Jesus say some of us would be killed because of his name and at the same time say, not even a hair of our head would be destroyed? This is not a contradiction. Jesus Christ is telling us that we shall live forever unhurt in a new life that we shall receive by virtue of the testimony of our faith. It is in that new kingdom that Christians belong and not the present kingdom that would pass away.

Lord Jesus Christ, you persevered and joyfully carried your heavy Cross because you knew that the Cross was going to bring us redemption. Help us also to carry our crosses every day of our lives.

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