Monday, November 26, 2007

Luke 20: 27-40 (Saturday, November 24, 2007)

The Sadducees do not believe in the resurrection and Angels. They hold as authoritative only the first five books of the bible, the Torah. Their question in today’s gospel is to disprove the teaching on the resurrection. Jesus does not attempt to respond to them using the teachings on the resurrection in Maccabees and Daniel. He knows they will not accept these authoritative. He returns to Exodus 3. When the Sadducees argue against Jesus using the example of marriage, they are looking at resurrection more or less as a resuscitation of the body. Christian resurrection as understood in the New Testament is not resuscitation. It is a transformation in which our bodies are no longer mortal or corruptible. The resurrection conquers all authority and the last enemy of the human person is death. The resurrection conquers death. Since death is conquered by the resurrection of Jesus, Christians too can hope in the resurrection. And since Christians are transformed and they would live forever with Jesus in heaven where he is the all in all, there would be no need for marriage.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are our resurrection and our life. Come alive in our lives that we may live as people who hope for the resurrection.

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